JULY 19, 2015
@ Delaware Park Marcy Casino
11am - 6pm
Please Bring
Your Own Mat
And lots & lots of
Adult Yoga Retreat (Downstairs)
Class 1: 11:00-11:50: Power Yoga Class with Power Yoga Buffalo: Steve Procknal & Alexis Asquith
Live Music
Class 2: 12:00-12:50: Workshop (A): Static Yoga Workshop with Evolation Yoga: David Drost
Workshop (B): Inversion with Power Yoga Buffalo : Casey Scotland & Kara Sanchez
Live Music
12:50-1:30 LUNCH (complementary)
Osteopathic Wellness Medicine Seminar
Community Music School Seminar
Class 3: 1:40-2:30 YOGA Class with East Meets West: Kate Rogers & Power Yoga Buffalo: Catherine Cook-Cottone
Live Music
2:30-2:40 Seminar: Cardea Health Integrative Seminar
Class 4: 2:40-3:30 Workshop (A) Purpose Your Practice: Your Body, Breath, & Intentions with Power Yoga Buffalo: Candice Fogarty and Nicole DeSimone
Live Music
Workshop (B) Strengthen Your Inner Vinyasa: Breathe, Balance, Bandhas with East Meets West: Carrie Jacobson
In the Rose Gardens
Live Music
Class 5: 3:40-4:50 Power Yoga Class with Power Yoga Buffalo: Susan Fain
Live Music
Class6: 5:00-6:00: Kirtan with Yoga Parkside: Megan Callahan (adults and kids together)
Live Music
Kids age 4-12 Yoga, Art, Music Retreat (Upstairs)
Class 1: 11:00-11:50: Kids Yoga class (beach theme)
Class 2: 12:00-1:30: Music project
12:50-1:30: LUNCH (complementary)
Class 3: 1:40- 2:30 Kids Yoga class (end of the rainbow theme)
Class 4: 2:40-3:30 Art Project/Book Reading
Art Project 3:30—3:45 Release Of Balloons over Hoyt Lake
Healthy Snack 4:00-4:45
Class 4:45-5:45 Kids Yoga Class (jungle theme)
Class 6: Kirtan with Yoga Parkside: Megan (adults and kids together)